- Tracy accepted the job offer!
- The kitten we adopted is getting better!
First I must say that I did not want a cat. Anna and I are allergic to them and can not have them in the house. However, we can have one outside here and did have one until about a week ago. It had been my Mom's cat and is sweet and pretty. She is a neat cat that actually climbed the ladder to the upstairs rooms over the new garage-climbed the ladder and jumped up there. We really liked her and I wanted to keep her here BUT she started roaming to other people's houses. That shouldn't be a problem unless you have neighbors who just don't like cats or are mean to them. So my parents took her to their house where they are going to keep her and they will let her stay inside some there.So....that said, Anna took pity on a little kitten that had been rejected by it's mother. She was a runt and was very likely going to die. She was also VERY sick. She had many, many problems and the first night she was extremely listless and weak.
Honestly, I just thought we would be making her comfortable until she died and I couldn't say no to Anna's pity and compassion. The second day she was here we fed her regularly and by the third day she was a bit stronger so I took her the vet. The vet gave her a special high protein food, some antibiotics, and other medication and sent us home with a wait and see approach. The vet bill was not that expensive and she gave us something else that was priceless--Hope. She couldn't find any internal problems and said since she had already started to recover her strength without medication she may yet survive.
So, unless things change and she stops improving, we have a kitten.
She is much better today so we finally named her L.C. (for Lost Cause) and pronounce it as Elsie.
- Doors and windows are in and we are getting close to finishing this major project!
We have been waiting for what seems like an eternity for the doors and windows. Work had to slow down a bit until they were installed and I wanted to see my sun room with the windows!
It is beautiful!
I love it!
It will still be a day or so until the garage doors are installed but work on the bedroom addition can be done. The exterior wall that will be a hall into the bedroom hasn't been cut out yet. And the bath tub that has to be moved out of the future hallway has to be put into the new master bath so that the plumbers can finish their work this weekend.
Hopefully I will get a few pictures up in the next few days.
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