Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In case you were wondering

So about the masks...

Ever since I saw the little skit I wrote about I have thought much about the masks I wear.

And when I wear them.

Last year I was in the car listening to whatever talk radio I could find and I heard Dr. Julianna Slattery talking about her book Beyond the Masquerade. I was intrigued and made a mental note to go home and order the book from Amazon.
Of course, a week or two later when I remembered hearing about the book I couldn't remember the name of it or the author, ahhh....

So rather than beat myself up over it I forgot it. At least I thought I did, I mean I hear lots of authors on the radio and I really do forget most of them.

But over the next few months I would think about the masks I wear and really wish that I had that book.

Then last week when I started this new blog I thought about what I wanted it to be.

I wanted it to be a new start but also thoughts and ideas from who I really am.

In the past when I have blogged I would hide things I was uncomfortable with or just avoid them altogether. I am learning that is one of my major weaknesses--I retreat, pull into my shell and push everyone away when I don't want to face something unpleasant. There is a reason for this in my life but I never recognized it until the last couple of years.

So after I wrote about not wearing a mask here on this blog I started a search for the book and name of the author. Google is absolutely amazing and sometimes I just can't relate how thankful I am that I live in this day and age.

The book came yesterday and I am so glad I ordered it.

Perhaps, after I read more of it, I can let you know when, where, and why I started to wear masks.

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